Monday 14 January 2019

If I Had Any Loose Change,

tucked away in a drawer or cupboard,

that could be American, I would be looking through it for one of these, rare 1943 Lincoln Penny discovered in 1947 has resurfaced and is to go on auction, in 1947, Don Lutes Jr., a Massachusetts based school going boy, came across this penny in his lunch money, even though the US treasury declared Lutes’ find as a fake, he still decided to hold on to it, the penny resurfaced after 70 years after his death and is set for auction, the expected sum it would fetch is up to $1 million! a similar coin sold in 2010 for $1.7 million, but alas it was not to be, it went a couple of days ago for a mere $200,000, hardly worth checking your change then! not, image from Heritage Auctions.

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