Friday, 31 October 2008
Pardon British Witches

US debt clock runs out of digits

clock after the quick fix, notice the $ sign has a 1 in it.
Enid Blyton dolls race storm

Halloween at Sisterz
October's weird weather

map shows the location of Ottery St Mary, near Exeter in Devon.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Credit crunched:

Speeding Muppet!

Hallowen is getting nearer!

Neighbour Alicia Lane, a 29-year-old youth worker, is among those backing Graham. She said: "People put up far more at Christmas and it was done for community spirit, to make the kids smile." But mum Sally Hollis, 41, who lives nearby, said: "My kids had the life scared out of them when they saw the zombies hanging on the wall outside the flat. "They kept asking if they would come alive at night and come and get them. I must admit I was a little scared of them too - they were very lifelike and realistic," Letting agents Estate and Property Management, based in Haywards Heath, West Sussex, said: "It is against the terms of the lease to put anything on the communal parts of the building and, as such, we had no alternative but to request they come down."
Don't look down!

and this is at the bottom,
A walk in the town.
A Fifth Creepy Urban Legend (That Happen to be True)

A great day out.
the tide is now in!
a bit more of Pattaya,