and you thought fish were fun, well this guy did not!
A fishkeeper has suffered a severe injury to his finger after a large piranha bit a chunk out of it while being transferred to a new aquarium.

Markov the Piranha,
Mike Rizzo of East Lansing in Michigan was transferring his sub-adult Diamond rhombeus piranha, Serrasalmus rhombeus, to its spacious new aquarium when the fish tried to leap from the net. To prevent the 25cm/11" long fish damaging itself by hitting the ground, Mike put out his hand to block the the fish, but the piranha, which is known as Markov, sunk its teeth into the side of his right index finger.

"I was in the process of moving the piranha from a 55 gallon to a new 125 gallon tank I was setting up for him. I had caught him in a 10" net that wasn't quite big enough and had him out of the water, and as expected, he was flopping around in it. He went to jump, and out of instinct, I tried to stop him with my hand. It so happened that his mouth was right where my hand was and he bit down, but immediately let go."He got a hold of my finger damn well. He bit all the way down into my knuckle and broke the capsule my knuckle is in and chipped a piece of bone off it. The bite also went through the nerves and other stuff in my finger.

Surgeons used three temporary stitches in case they need to operate at a later date. Rizzo added: "While doing maintenance, I used to actually push him around the tank with my hand and he is always very mellow and never shows any aggression. I am now taking precautions though, and have fabricated a small box of out of egg-crating from Home Depot to put in his tank to keep him cornered in one area while I clean the tank."Most of the doctors were surprised to hear that I was going to keep the fish and not either sell him or eat him."The doctors who treated the wound are unsure as to whether the fish has caused lasting damage to the finger. Rizzo says that they were glad to see that he was still capable of moving the finger but said that due to the severity of the bite, it was likely that most of the nerves in the tip of the finger had been damaged. It could take as long as two years before all the feeling comes back, but it should eventually heal.

1 comment:
Pirahna's live in fresh water so....
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