Saturday, 31 January 2009
In A Repeat Of Yesterday It Was Back to Naklua In The Morning,
Lesson: How Not To Commit An Act Of Arson,

Warning! Warning! Warning! There Is Milk In This Bottle!

Friday, 30 January 2009
We Had A Bit Of A Busy Day Yesterday,
The PC Brigade Can Not Even Leave Kids Nursery Rhymes Alone!

Thursday, 29 January 2009
Last Night Out On The Town!
I Enjoy Looking At Photographs,

At Last Some One With A Bit Of Common Sense About Recycling,

now an adviser to environment ministers and the London Mayor, Boris Johnson has stated "Recycling could be adding to global warming rather than reducing it" and also he suggested that much of the country's waste should simply be burnt to generate electricity, "It might be that the global warming impact of putting material through an incinerator five miles down the road is actually less than recycling it 3,000 miles away," he said, and as I have always said, only in third world counties does recycling make sense, where transport and labour costs are low, if it worked in the UK councils would be flush with cash, sure the council is paid so much per ton, but what is not reveled is how much more the same council had to pay to move the material to the recycling plant.
Shades Of The Italian Job,

This Is Another Case Of "Why Does Something Like This Never Happen To Me?"