a very quite Sunday night,
in both directions,
but the resturaunt was packed,
shank of lamb for me and I have totally forgotten what every one else had, short term memorary shot to pieces!
what ever it was Melina enjoyed the main course,
and I enjoyed mine and a glass of wine,
all day I had been struggerling to set up the Internet connection on my Nokia N97, I had read the instructions, but as I had bought it rather than leased or had a contract with a phone company there was no surporting downloads for it, I was not having much luck, even the company I bought it from Phones4you could not solve it but surgested I went to Vodaphone whose card it was, but no luck there, anyway this guy was at Duncan's when we returned, he played with the phone for a couple of minetes and hey presto! all done,
then Monday evening and back to see Steve, not to much to drink as tomorrow I had to see Richard, so off to his office I went,
when I say office I should say house as the office is in Ian's house who is Richard's business partner, and in the back garden a huge railway, about 5" gauge and it is live steam, unfortunately when Ian moved in the railway was in a very poor state of repair, the bulider of it had let, due to ill health, the track and rolling stock to deteriate,
the track goes compleatly round the garden,
with points and a marshaling yard at the half way stage,
tracks everywhere,
and it is a big garden to go around,
it goes through the orchard as well,
the now disused points levers,
then for Richard and myself it was off to the "other" office, whilst we were there who should be working there but Patrick, he used to clean the windows at my business,
just oppisite is the art decor Odeon, many years ago in the late 70's there was a ballroom school of dancing upstairs, run by I seem to remember Courtny Castle, no drinking allowed, they used to say I had feet of quicksilver, or did they say I was clumsy? I can not remember, but that was where I meet Duncan as he was learning to dance at the same time,
the outside of Richards other office,
but as the food is not so good there we decided to go to the other office, this one,
a Spainish resturaunt/bar,
a quick look at the menu,
and "Cheers!" from us,
the rain has dogged my stay in the UK, the one time it looked OK I still got soaked in the car,
in the evening off to Miso in Bromley, a noodle bar/shop,
Kai trying I guess some type of Thai food,
and the gang is here Neil, me, Kai, Steve and Steve Hackwood, you will be hearing more of Steve later in my stay and we will be going to Neil's party next weekend, unfortunatly Bob and Debbie could not make tonight so we will not see them till Neil's party,
this is the flower seller that took a bit of a shine to Neil, the strange thinge was for the next 3 nights or so every pub or resturaunt we ate or drank in the same guy would walk in, he must have travlled miles every night.
Hi Stan,
Great to see your latest UK blogs, I've missed them for the past few weeks.
I recognise the life-size statues from BKK airport. As you say, very large and impressive, and so much nicer than Heathrow.
Some bold shirts being worn by yourself in The Wobberley Donkey and Miso! You certainly brought the summer sun to South East London & Kent, even if the heavens opened!
Dear Anonymous, many thanks for your kind comments, time went so quickly over there, but next year I hope to take Diana with me so it will be a bit more leisurely as we will stay longer, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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