this morning whilst reading this article I spilt half of my coffee and nearly choked as I laughed so much!
this poor excuse of a human being (3,000,000 sperm and this one got through) broke into Feank Corti's home and pulled a knuckle duster knife on Frank, 72, well Frank being a a former junior boxing champion, slapped him twice for being a naughty boy!
Oh how I laughed when I saw this picture of the thug after Frank had a word with him,
when he spotted the aforementioned intruder, Gregory McCalium, in his hallway he sprang into action and delivered two right hooks, the blows were so powerful that McCalium, who had just lunged at Mr Corti with the knife, was left looking like he had been in 'a car accident''
the pensioner then restrained him until police arrived, He was jailed for four and a half years yesterday after a judge told him he had 'got what he deserved' but even the judge let Frank down, for carrying a knife it is 5 years in the UK, but the judge, some sort of bleeding heart only gave four and a half years for what could have been a fatal assault on a frail pensioner, Frank if I gave out medals you would be on the top of my list! Well Done!
u codgers stick togther eh
Dear Anonymous, yes we do! it is a pity the bleeding heart judge did not give Gregory McCalium what he really deserved,
carrying a knife - 5 years,
Breaking and entering - 2 years,
Attempted murder - 10 to 15 years,
Being drunk and disorderly - 6 months,
Being a total low life scum bag - life,
but if you knew me you would realize if I was the judge he would have gotten a lot worse! Yes we old codgers stick together! best regards, Stan and Diana.
lol i dont think you can take any moral high ground pal
you are paying for a girl 1/3 your age and living in pattaya
Dear Anonymous, I must have touched one of your nerves, how wroung you are! what on earth makes you think I am paying Diana? it is true I buy Diana presents for Christmas or birthdays, but I think you mean that I pay her a weekly/monthly for sex? 100% wroung, we are together as the situation pleases both of us, maybe in your country you have to pay for sex, I do not, as for our age differnce, I can not find any text in the bible to say that having a younger partner is immoral, can you? choice of some where to live, well I have been to quite a few places in the world and as a choice chose Pattaya, lets play a game, in your next comment tell us all where you would like to retire, you could also tell us how much you pay for sex, best regards, Stan and Diana.
if you were in england you would get teased maybe even beaten up. but i dont have a problem with it. you would either be good looking or have alot of money to get a girl a 1/3 your age.
however you are neither, and are taking advantage of another countries economic situation.
Anyone from England could do what you have done. But other people have morals.
So dont throw so many stones back here
Dear Anonymous, last time I was in England with my girlfriend we were treated to the utmost respect by all that we meet, perhaps it is different where you live, in any event it appears that you have taken a dislike to our blog and our morals, the best thing we can say is to start reading another blog as our one upsets you so much, or better still make your own blog, let me know in your next comment where it is and we can all read it, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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