after returning from Guildford it was off for a meal,
in truth I do not remember the restaurants name, we were walking along when the heavens opened up, so it was a dive into the nearest one, Steve if you remember please let me know! Steve has just let me know it was called Nanchos, in any event we had to get our strength up for the visit to London tomorrow,
up bright and early, Network South to Charring Cross,
a view across the Thames to Canary Wharf near where we will end up later today,
this is the outside of the I-Max cinema,
and on the left the London Eye,
and the reason for going to Charring Cross? to visit Davenports, it looks like Paul Daniels is doing some tricks in the window,
the company have been selling magic tricks since 1898,
inside I had a chat with one of the staff and bought their latest catalogue,
in the windows a few samples of their products,
strange place to have a shop as it is actually in the underground station,
but not easy to miss as the shop front is 120 feet long!
we decided to take a walk to High Street Holborn, but on the way we went past this memorial to Oscar Wilde,
a closer look at the sculpture, one of the many things I like about London is how a seemingly normal street or walk can be so interesting if you just look around,
on our way we went past Trafalgar Square, I was brought here as a child, many times, but in the 50's and 60's there were pigeons everywhere, the mess I still remember to this day, but now feeding the pigeons is banned,
yours truly striking the pose, the National Gallery in the background,
a better view of the fountain with out me in the way!
and looking across the square,
and a better view of the National Gallery,
in each corner of the square there is a plinth, on one the resident statue has been removed, if you look carefully in the middle of the picture you can just make out a lady in black pants and white T-shirt,
a little easier to see now, now why is she up there and how will she get down? (jumping is not an option!)
just off of the square is a Thai restaurant, but this one unlike others has a disco built on to it,
called as you can see Thai Square, we did in fact see 2 other "Thai Squares", but we did not think they had disco's attached,
then there was Michael Caine looking out of a shop window,
we then made our way along to the top of the square, we went the long way round, by now my feet were really sore, new shoes did not help, so if you want to get to see the sights take the tour bus!
open top of course and hope for no rain,
there are lots to chose from, we are now back at the square,
and this is the answer to how to get down,
easy if you know the answer!
you may remember that we meet Steve Hackworth when we were in Bromley at Miso, well in a few weeks he will be entertaining the crowds with his comedy act,
the sign says it all,
the audience waiting for the next act,
and what a snack!
we both had a beef sandwich, a little expensive at £5.95, but the amount of tender beef that filled it to over flowing had to be seen to be believed, so much I could not finish mine,
the restaurant did not seem to have many custermers but was so busy compleating take away orders,
in the same little alleyway, Lock & Co.,
any hats, any size you like, just think we would have missed all of this if we had just walked past,
as we were getting near to St, James's Palace I spotted this, now how many Texans, or for that matter Americans knew that Texas had a Legation in London? I certainly did not, but it appears that Texas had split away from Mexico, so a number of legations were set up,
it is at the entrance to Pickering Place, if you want to go there, the alleyway is in fact public,
and opens up to what I have been told, is the smallest public square in London,
the square also has a claim to fame for being the last place in England where a legal public duel took place,
Pickering Place runs down the side of Berry Brothers and Rudd, a wine merchant's firm that has been at that site since 1730,
then on to St. James Palace, one of the Royal Residences,
we were lucky to be there just as they were changing the guard,
I am not sure why, but the gaurds being relived were not in the same uniform as the new guards,
the new gaurd is being read standing orders for the day,
so I had to get a little closer to hear,
the bit I heard was no drinking, eating, sleeping, talking, sitting, all pretty basic stuff,
the relived soldiers were escorted back by a unarmed police officer, seems a bit strange escorting them, she has a horse they have got guns!
some time back I mentioned about DUK's going on the Thames and then driving around town, when I posted that I had little thought that I would actualy see one!
then it was time for the guards to return to barracks,
we then continued our walk behind St. James's Palace towards Trafalger Square again and had a breif look back to Buckingham Palce,
as I have mentioned before every where you look there are statues,
and memorials to fallen heros,
another statue?
no this time a sationary cyclist on the plinth but he was pedaling with a vengance!
having been to Davenports magic emporium here is a magic show,
this I belive is St. Clements,
and a nice little pub,
then on to the law courts,
and a couple of shops on Fleet Street, known as where newspapers were printed Fleet actualy refers to the river that once ran here,
we eventually came to a huge Tudor building with shops underneath, the first is Shervingtons, one of the few specialised shops left in London for pipe smokers, here since 1864,
the place looks bowed in the middle but the sights this building must have seen!
and it is a huge building,
then on to the underground to make our way to the Docklands Light Railway,
our train arrives,
then change at Bank for DLR, notice how curved the track is,
when the DLR was built it appears there were so many obstructions that the line had to have lots of curves and gradients in it as so many servives could not be moved, the trains have a more "square" look to them than the usual underground trains,
all aboard!
the drivers eye view,
strange looking bridge as we near docklands,
out of the train and walking, two disused cranes in front of an imposing building, on the water front,
a view towards the end of the marina,
the floating bridge, the middle pontons are spaced further apart than the others to let boats through,
a few of the house boats moored there,
looking back to the Cat and the Canary, popular with office workers at lunch time,
a DLR train,
and the street painting of Edgar Müller who I have posted on the blog before,
unfortunaly past it's prime and the view window was no longer there, but still impresive,
there was a proud to be British show, what better examples than mini's and red phone boxes?
I wanted to find out what this building was, but by now I knew I had blisters on both sets of toes,
so it was back for a sit down and rest,
the mini's looked new,
but the body work gave them away,
they had the outside welded seams, not like the newer ones,
looking for another place to sit down we avaled ourseles to this bar, like many places out here it has been convereted, some into living acommidation at a heck of a price!
then back to the sataion to get a bus from Lewisham and home,
we traveled miles on bus, train, underground and DLT, unlimited miles all for only £6.30 oh but my poor feet!
we then meet Mahendra, for an Indian meal, just near the Leslie Arms on Cherry Orchard Road, Croydon,
the owner and his son, and I must admit, I have forgotten their names, help please Mahendra!
no gueses for what the restuaraunt is called!
next day and off to Neil's party, Neil owns a fish import/export business, I have over the years accompanaed him on many fish finding and catching expeditions in the Congo, Zaire, Zambia and India, great fun, but this party is to celebrate his 50th. birthday and his 25 years in bussiness, the view is looking at the mainroad at the end of his drive,
the afternoon was for families and kids, so lots of things laid on,
bouncy castles, face painting and a never ending ice cream machine to name a few,
and even more bouncy castles,
a football field in the middle of the grass runway,
just get off the ground before you hit the trees!
Ian starts to get the bar-b-q working for sausages and burgers,
meanwhile 2 pigs, a sheep, a row of chickens and 8 salmon are doing nicely,
in the far field many of Neil's friends have driven over from Holland and camped for the weekend,
and some arrived on some really nice bikes, this a Harley Daividson,
and one of two Indian Cheifs, this a late one,
and this one I am guessing from the mid 30's, it is great to see bikes like these being used, not just kept in a museum, I used my Vincent evey day rain or shine, which reminds me, I must put a few pictures of it on the blog, (when I have time!),
beer tent in the distance,
and soft drink tent for the kids,
I started to work back in the early 60's in a tropical fish shop, it was so nice to see many of the friends I have made in the trade in the years again, this is Bruce from TMC, although a guest, he is from down under and knows a thing or two about barbies, well he just could not stop himself from putting the barbies right,
meanwhile Ian is really getting the food going,
the invite said as David Bowie was providing the entertainment try to come in 60/70's gear, well it was no problem for Neil as you can see,
and lots of Neils's friends pulled out all of the stops to oblige,
Debbie, Bob and Steve, we all had a great time, but the party has not yet really begun,
but back to the bikes, notice the half spring over the front mudgauard,
as aposed to these bramberton forks, unfortunatly not mentioned on this page, but it gives an insight to some of the different front fork designs,
then there are these springer forks, you often see them on retro bikes,
but back to the party, another couple strike the pose!
lots of seats,
and a stage ready to go,
and then Bowie was on!
it is only when you listen you realize how many great songs Bowie gave us,
the front of the invite,25/50
I then bumped into a friend of mine for many years, Richard Campbell, he has been in a couple of drama documetaries on television, if you have cable or satalite and you see a Pims advertisment of some one jumping from a plane say hi to Richard!
by now the party was getting in to the swing of things, the music was note perfect and we were having a whale of a time,
at half time Neil and one of his daughters took to the stage to thank everyone from turning up and to thank the many helpers that made the evening a success,
Neil and myself, the shirt was the nearest I had to 60's gear,
and another couple making a great effort to look in character with the music,
and where would the 60's be without Elvis?
then to tired to take off my shirt it was off to the land of nod, oh, did I mention it was a Bowie tribute band? if you want to see them and I would say they are well worth seeing go here,
no sooner than I had fallen asleep then it was time to go to Sunday lunch, so off to the Elmer Lodge Lodge for a Sunday roast dinner,
the 3 of us went, Kai, Steve and myself,
the food was generous and delicious, turkey, pork, gammon and beef, and a huge selection of vegtables whith stuffing and Yorkshire pudding,
all to soon it was time for Heathrow, many thanks to Steve and Kai for looking after me and taking me to the airport, so it was a bite to eat before boarding the plane, smoked salmon,
with a small bottle of wine,
this was at the seafood bar in Heathrow,
I have eaten caviar only about 6 or 7 times, when I have been upgraded to first class and always wondered how much it cost, well,
this is the price list from the seafood bar, a bit difficult to see, but the cheapest for 30 grams is £85.00 for the run of the mill stuff or if you want the heritage it is £185.00, think I will stick to cod and chips!
then back to Bangkok, a bit different from the way out, the flight was totaly fully booked, not a single seat avalable, but I have to say the vast majorirty of passangers were continuing on to Taiwan,
on my way out of the airport I was approched by some ladies from King Power duty free store, I have seen occasionaly a buy 4 boxes of chocolates and get one free offer, but I have never been given a cash off voucher, spend 5,000 baht and get 500 baht or buy any one item anf get 15% off, so I guess they must be feeling the pinch, Joe very kindly meet me at the airport, which was very kind as he stopped off especialy as he was on his way to Bangkok,
I did not tell Diana I was arriving early so it was a great surprise as I turned up, and of course with lots of presents,
handbags, DVD's Hotel Chocalte chocolates, ipod music thingy, and a few bits of jewelry, boy was she happy!
all those handbags and only two hands!
one thing that Mike spotted about the Gossip Cafe, it is open 24 hours,
"Cheers!" from all of us, and a big "Thank You" to Steve and Kai from me,
tomorrow off to Toms and Champions as it will be Wensnday, Diana has said she will make chicken casserole for Saturday for friends that are calling round meanwhile tomorrow first thing I have to pick up my passport, no rest for me now I am back!
Your like London buses, Stan! No blogs for ages, and then four at once! only joking.
Well, you certainly got around during your stay in the UK. I was knackered just looking at the photos! No wonder your 'plates of meat' were hurting.
I've lived in London all my life, and still amazed by all the hidden passages, history and statues. Incredible stuff.
Grab yourself a large glass of vino, put on a DVD, and put your feet up, Stan. You deserve a rest!
Dear Anonymous, like yourself I am still amazed at what London has to offer, but it does mean walking, not sure how Diana is going to like that if she comes out next year, like most out here it is motorbike taxi's everywhere! we watched a couple of DVD's since we have been back, the toes are getting better by the day, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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