then it was time for us to go shopping,
after calling in at Friendship we drove a little further along the road to the market opposite the temple on Third Road,
where the shop had some of those delicious large lychee's I like so much,
we also bought some fresh mango's for our mango sloppies when we settle down to watch a few movies,
it was a big shopping expedition, the bike loaded down with goodies,
we have been having so much rain, but the good news is that the flowers put on a good show,
especially the hibiscus,
in the afternoon Jay and Precil called round, Precil loves feeding the fish,
some of them have become quite large, this Haplochromis fuscotaeniatus, now renamed as Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus has unfortunately out grown some of it's other tank inhabitants,
then it is time for our guests to leave,
so out with the Monopoly board, I won again, evening the defeat of yesterday,
we then after our evening meal settled down to watch a DVD or two, this was the message we received when we put the first one in the player,
so we did,
for Piranha 3D, Lake Victoria's annual Spring party by 50,000 young revelers is about to turn into a feeding frenzy with prehistoric hunger-pains, a under lake fault opens up and releases the flesh eating fish, great fun, with lots of half eaten people, not to be taken seriously there are more than a few one liners to help the film along, the 3D effect? there must be a word that describes the experience, poor, I could not think of one worse than that, I just hope the BluRay 3D experience is better!
another horror/comedy next, The Return of the Living Dead, when a bumbling pair of employees at a medical supply warehouse accidentally release a deadly gas into the air, the vapors cause the dead to re-animate as they go on a rampage through Louisville, Kentucky seeking their favorite food, brains, again lots of laughs through the mayhem, when one of the living dead radios the message, 'bring more brains' great fun,
before it got too late, well after midnight we watched another couple from MI 5, this time Episode #2.2, Legitimate Target, an extremist mullah may be planning England's first suicide bombing, MI5's mole is discovered and tortured, leaving the team in need of someone who can get deep inside the mosque, followed by Episode #2.3, The Nest Of Angels, repeated attacks on MI5's computer system threaten the theft of virtually all classified information everything is not as it seems as a long-dead agent and a potential nuclear device at the school play into a web of deceit and confusion that nearly costs MI5 all their secrets, now an admission, I have not been keeping up to date on one of the posts, in the last post I made about bin collections in the UK, specifically in Newcasle-under-Lyme I mentioned that each household had to separate their household rubbish into 9 different containers, well it appears I was incorrect, as and I quote, 'we now have an additional dark green bag for the collection of glass, do try to keep up!' yes my fault entirely! I seem to have dropped the ball on this one, but it still seems incredulous to me that every household will, if this trend continues Nationwide, have 10 bins to put outside your house every two weeks, after that we were off to bed.
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