Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Saturday, 18 June 2011
It Was Raining Again When We Woke In The Morning,
still it saves having to water the plants,so we had a game of Monopoly, I managed to put a few houses on the board, by shear bad luck Diana landed on them every time around, so that was it, next thing it was off to the Friday night market, it started to rain on our way there, but thankfully stopped as we arrived, this is one of the market shrines,
the skies looked a little bit like it would rain, but it held off all evening,
we were a little early, so there were not many people about, Diana doing some window shopping,
a secondhand clothes stall opposite the bar again,
my favorite, lychee's, large ones,
it appears they are popular but expensive, 100 baht a kilo,
along to the fish shop, but nothing took my fancy there,
by now things had gotten more crowded,
then back past the lychee's, Diana will buy some later,
arriving back to the bar just in time to say Hi to Bill,
Diana arrived at the bar too, with lychee's and some mango's,
the bar waitress then came by with her food and drink for the evening,
in the space not taken up by the secondhand clothes stall a group of students set up shop,
they were asking for donations for a student camp,
they had collection boxes, guitars loud hailer's, tambourines and lots of enthusiasm,
one passer by makes a contribution,
then it is out with the song sheet and time to sing,
in case you missed it, this is the sign in Thai, Juu and Dang also called by,
then we were joined by Geoff, also Sai Jai called by,
the girls went over to make a contribution,
then went on a shopping fest and came back with some chocolate cake,
home feet up for a couple of movies after our evening meal, first up Sphere, 1000 feet below the ocean, navy divers discover an object half-a-mile long, a 300 year old space craft, the Sphere is inside, but what does it do?
then a drama documentary, Glory, great acting with an all star line up, based on the letters sent home by its commander Colonel Robert Gould Shaw (1837-1863), the film depicts the battles fought within the Union ranks for his first regiment of black troops organized in a Northern state, and the Confederate enemy, on July 18, 1863, he led the 54th, in conjunction with two brigades of white troops, in an assault on Confederate Battery Wagner, in the unsuccessful charge, the black troops proved themselves to be fully capable of standing up to enemy fire but lost about one quarter of their men, including Colonel Shaw, Battery Wagner was never taken by force, on the night of September 6, 1863, the defiant Confederate garrison abandoned Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg under cover of darkness, leaving their opponents a heap of sand, and a legacy of valor, then for us off to bed.
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