Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
I am Sorry To Have Not Answered Comments Over The Past Few Weeks,
but with our computer crashing plus the Singapore trip I just do not know where the time went, so as soon as I finish posting to days post I will be on it, computer willing! but to today first thing I had to pop round to pay a bill for a friend in the UK, no great problems but the office had moved, but found it in the end, as soon as I returned at 09.30 the bug guys arrived, out here termites are a bit of a problem, especially where you can not see them, the roof space, what happens is that they mix a load of toxic to termite chemicals in a bin and pump it under floors via a probe to stop them coming in underground,
all very processional,
outside is also sprayed,
in case you are wondering holes are drilled through the floor tiles for the probe,
then the edges of every room are sprayed, but as they left I asked them had they sprayed in the roof space, to which they replied, 'no ladder, when come back in three months you buy ladder we go roof' I asked well what about the house I just saw you in next door, 'same, same, no ladder no can do', note to self, buy ladder in the next three months, I wonder if I can hire it next time to the house next door? meanwhile any termites in the roof have a three month reprieve,
whilst in the front of the house in our absence this flower decided to put on a show,
as did this one, then a panic phone call, a friend of ours who has a house over here phoned from the UK,
his aquarium had developed a leak, his maid who stays in the house had just phoned him, so off with bucket and plastic bag for a rescue mission, here is one of them, it is a armoured catfish, it may look cruel holding it this way but it is the best way to move them, they have so many sharp spine and scales that they are easily tangled in a net and have to be cut out,
and number two, the same fish but in an albino form, as I left the maid's little boy became upset about me taking 'his' fish away, visitation rights were discussed, but I fear he will hate me forever!
as soon as I took the picture Arry called in,
the repair to our leaking water tank had harden, also Arry thought the hole might have been made by the base of the tank not being supported enough, so he decided to weld some more supports to it,
the new supports are the unpainted ones,
just checking the final two,
a final weld,
and hey presto! as good as new, we hope,
it was getting a bit late by the time we had our evening meal so straight on to Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, the adventures of the gang continue, stranded on Madagascar, they start to leave the island, all of a sudden, they land in the wilderness of Africa, where Alex meets the rest of his family,
followed by a disaster movie, Deep Impact, as a comet is on a collision course with earth it is a question of who will survive? I do not know why but we both enjoy disaster movies, this one no exception, then for us it was time for bed.
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