in answer I have to say very little, but there is one event this weekend I would love to attend, The Great Dorset Steam Fair, the spectacle covers an enormous showground, at over 600 acres being one of Europe's largest outdoor event locations, 2012 will see the show in its 44th year, The Great Dorset Steam Fair is a typically British event offering a unique blend of nostalgia and entertainment, there is no other event like it anywhere in the world which is why over 200,000 visitors attend each year both from the UK and from all over the World,
the last time we were in the UK we visited the Rudwick Steam Fair, we both enjoyed it, well at least I did! but having said that Diana was totally taken by the Wall of Death motorcycle display, every time a rider came near to the top of the wall Diana screamed, so if you are in the UK this weekend and have nothing planned this is the last time to visit the 2012 year show.
How is yourmodel trains set progressing?
Dear Daryle, bad news I am afraid about the model trains, last time I played with them the main controller decided to stop, which is a pain because I will have to ask a friend to return it to the UK to get it reoaired and then ask them to bring it back here, it is a Gaugemaster Prodigy Advance, I have just looked up the price of a new one, £279.95, so you can see why I hope to get the one I have repaired, it is just my luck with anything electrical! best regards, Stan and Diana.
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