Friday 28 March 2014

I Have Never Ever,

been interested in owning a pedal cycle,

 all that hard work especially up hills when you can take the car, unless your country has installed one of these on every hill, the Trampe CycloCable®, the motorized aid was built into the street in Tronheim, Norway to give a little help to anyone trying to get up an 18% grade hill on wheels, the prototype was built in 1993, and the Trampe has pushed over 200,000 cyclists up the hill since then,

here is how it works, you position your bicycle 10 centimeters away from and parallel to the lift rail, with your left pedal in a lower position, while standing astride your bike, put your left foot on the left bike pedal, and your right foot in the start slot of the lift, push the green ‘start’ button and it’ll gently haul you up the hill, what a great idea, pedal cycling with out the sweat!

on the good news front people riding scooters or pushing strollers use the lift, as well, it moves about five feet per second and can extend up to 1,640 feet, I wonder if you can use it with a skateboard?

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