Monday 17 November 2014

Straight On To Today's Post,

as we are out early to go to immigration,

  some time ago the sub-woofer speaker decided to go on strike, Arry had kindly offered to take it to the repair shop, first thing it was back with us with the above parts in it replaced,

1,200 baht later and it was as good as new, 

 whilst I was busy trying the speaker out Diana was in the kitchen, last night she poured boiling water over the duck and then left it in the fridge over night,

 some time later it was cooked to perfection,

 much to the delight of the fish,

 who seemed to know they would receive a few extra feeds,

 and there it is our Sunday roast,

 many thanks to Barry for a excellent bottle of wine,

 we followed our roast with a rhubarb, apple and current crumble with just a hint of cinnamon and custard,

we listened to music for most of the afternoon, one of the many artist we listened to was Andrew Gold, more than a few years ago, in the days of vinyl I bought two of his LPs, sadly he died aged 59 in June 2011, we had a small snack for our evening meal then a couple from Waking the Dead, as the midnight hour approached we were off to bed, or so we thought,

 as I went to put on the burglar alarm Diana noticed we had a house guest sitting in one of her shoes,

 it was a frog, though how he got into the house is a mystery, we keep the doors closed all day, but there he was, so a quick trip to the garden and he was on his way and for us we were off to bed.

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