Sunday 2 November 2014

We Usually Have A Bar-b-q,

on Saturday evenings,

 but it just poured down with rain most of the day, in the evening it continued to drizzle, so we ate indoors starting with some garlic bread,

 followed by New Zealand mussels with garlic,


 for our main course, steak and vegetables,

 I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous!

 as usual the fish enjoyed us eating inside, one of the catfish made an appearance,

it was a feather fin catfish (Synodontis eupterus), from Africa, I should say it does not normally have a white eye, all that is happening is the flash of the camera is being reflected back to it, we listen to music from Andrew Gold and ELO amongst others, than a couple of shows on TMN and off to bed.

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