Tuesday 19 February 2019

What Is A Yottabyte?

or at the other end of the scale a yoctonewton?

one is big and the other is small, let's take the big one first, a yottabyte, it is a way scientist write huge numbers, in responds to the massive growth in global data storage, which by the early 2030s is forecast to reach 1 yottabyte (1024), there is a problem, and here it is, a yottabyte is at the top of the existing scale of expressing large numbers, and in response here comes the ronna and quecca, as prefixes for 1027 and 1030, respectively, the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) in Paris has a proposal lodged with it for two new names, ronna and quecca, as prefixes for 1027 and 1030, respectively, 

at the other end of the scale there is the yoctonewton, the yottabyte would be joined by their microscopic counterparts, ronto for 10−27, and quecto for 10−30 if approved, the new terms could be formally introduced in 2022, they would be the first prefixes added since 1991, so think big!, or small as the case may be, for a much fuller low down on the fascinating subject have a look here.

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