Sunday 12 April 2020

The Crow Was Back,


 unfortunately by the time I reached for the camera,

 and switched it on he had his beak filled and was off, in passing seeing them close by they are surprisingly big,

in the afternoon we watched a few quiz shows, in one the team beat the chaser and walked out with £6,000 each tax free, not bad for a afternoons work! time for our evening meal,

 for tonight a Indian meal starting with lamb samosas and onion bhajees with a spicy chopped salad,


 on to our main course, 

 three different chicken dishes with peas pulao rice,

 and for dessert a Bakewell almond tart with ice cream, 

and custard, delicious, we listened to music then Steve telephoned to say that there was a programme starting about railways in Thailand, the series presented by Michael Portillo, a former Conservative MP and Minister of State for Transport, in this episode of the series he travels from Chang Mai to Bangkok, as we now had the television on we decided to watch a few documentaries, one about a gold mine was fascinating, the sheer numbers involved at the Mponeng Gold Mine, Gauteng, South Africa, almost defied thinking about, just a couple, the mine is as deep as Everest is tall, and on a good day it takes 3 tons of rock to produce just one once of gold, another couple of those and we were off to bed.

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