Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Companies That Rely On Tourism,

are having a hard time of it,

so thinking outside of the box is sometimes called for, founded in 1923, the Choshi Electric Railway company, in Japan’s Chiba Prefecture, a struggling Japanese railway operator has started to think, inside of the tin! photograph YouTube screengrab,

with the novel Coronavirus wreaking havoc all over the world, business has never been worse, so the Choshi Electric YouTube channel has been around for over 4 years, but it only recently started attracting attention, after management decided to use its dire situation to create humorous content. Videos like “Just before bankruptcy” or “Actual situation of a bankrupt company” have been racking up tens even hundreds of thousands of views, whereas older videos only got hundreds or thousands of views, photograph YouTube screengrab, 

and then the fun bit! photograph Choshi Electric Railway, the company now sells an original product available in the Choshi Electric Railway online store – canned stones from the company’s train tracks. Showcased by a female employee under the watchful eye of the manager, the stones were marketed as great paperweights, collectible items for railway fans, or rudimentary weapons against burglars, the presentation was humorous in nature, and the Choshi Electric Railway employee could barely contain her laughter while showcasing the canned stones, but this was no joke. The stones really are available on the Choshi Electric Railway online store, at a price of 1,650 yen ($15.5) and they have already become the company’s best selling item!

 and before you laugh, think about Pet Rock multi millionaire, Gary Ross Dahl, who devised the perfect pet, a pet rock, and it made him millions!

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