Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
We Have A 'Crock' Pot
or slow cooker, we use it for beef stew and dumplings,I should say had, a couple of days ago it broke, the bottom of the pot fell out so it was consigned to the bin, no problems we will go to HomeWorks on Sumkivitt to buy a new one,
whilst there we had a look around some of the outside stalls,
there have always been a few in front of the entrance, but the ones we are about to look at were not here on our last visit,
lots of water features,
for new or modern look gardens,
or a slightly more rustic look,
and how about this for a water feature? your own boat!
a weeping tree stump was also available,
plus lots of plants,
another rustic type of waterfall,
then past the Christmas tree and in to buy our crock pot, but they did not have any, so no problems, next door to Big C, they had one, but no lid? and it was super small, so off again this time to Lotus, where yet again none were in stock, the quest will continue tomorrow!
a few games of cribbage in the afternoon then giant green New Zealand mussells with garlic for a starter followed by cottage pie and a magnum for dessert, add a few slices of a pomelo then feet up for some television,
a comedy, The Accidental Spy was first, this action movie unfolds with the story of Bei, a salesman at a workout equipment store, who harbors dreams of adventures, it all starts when on one normal dull day, Bei follows his instincts to trail two suspicious looking men into an alley, when he realizes that these men are robbing a jewelry store, he jumps into action to foil their plans, not for us as good as some of his other movies, the part we both enjoyed in all of them is when the out takes are shown at the end, where things do not go quiet according to plan, some of these are soooo funny!
next Once Upon a Time in America, it was a double DVD, that should have been a warning, a few good sequences, then slow, slow, boring, very boring, slow, 229 minuets, yes over three and a half hours! way to long by a mile, a film guaranteed to put you off buying a film that has to be fitted on two DVD's for life! good though the story line, actors and action was, to have made it this long it was boring, only buy this if you have given up the will to live and want to be bored to death! but now on to the good news, Poirot! this time The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb, based loosely on the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb and the so called curse of those who opened it, then off to bed.
You should put a picture of a 'crock' pot on the post so anyone who views it here and are culinary equipment challenged (yours truly) will know what you are looking for and may provide pointers.
You should put a picture of a 'crock' pot on the post so anyone who views it here and are culinary equipment challenged (yours truly) will know what you are looking for and may provide pointers.
Dear Mike, a good point so I have done so in todays post, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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