Tuesday 26 June 2012

In Times Long Past,

a box of  chocolates could cost as much as 100 shillings,

£5.00, an enormous sum in 1925 and giving it to a woman was tantamount to a proposal, but before then some 150 years ago a small York cocoa powder-making outfit by the name of Rowntree’s was launched in July 1862, caring for its staff they were rewarded with amongst other things after-work facilities including a theatre and swimming pool, the company was also famed for other anenities such as a library, ballroom, village, school rooms, bank, dentist, allotment and sports ground to name but a few,

as well as looking after its staff the company also became well known for its products such as Smarties, Kit Kats and Aeros, well looking after its staff must have helped the success of the company, lets hope they go on for another 150 years and celebrate their 300 th!

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