Monday 4 June 2012

Why Only A Quarter?

why not cut all wind farm subsidies?

because the tree huggers and greenies want to stifle British industry, as Douglas Carswell said: ‘why has it taken so long? a centre-right government should be bringing an end to this, one of the reasons that the economy is not growing is because energy costs are so ridiculously high because of this wind farm scam which is adding hidden surcharges to our bills,’ this has all been brought on by George Osborne who is demanding huge cuts in government aid for wind farms – a step which could kill plans for the construction of hundreds of turbines across the country, the Chancellor has told the Treasury to draw up plans for a reduction of 25 per cent in subsidies for onshore wind farms, but the questions still remains, why only a 25% reduction and why not on off shore wind farms as well?

in February more than 100 Conservative MPs wrote to the Prime Minister to demand cuts to the £400million a year public support for wind farms, I have to say I still do not see why the people of Great Britain have to pay any subsidies to a failed technology that does not work when there is no wind.

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