Wednesday 5 December 2012

A Normal Enough Sign,

I would have thought,

but evidently it raised feminist hackles in Sinclair Community College in downtown Dayton, Ohio, although it appears there were no women working they felt left out, as a statement on diversity on the institution's website states: 'The concept of diversity at Sinclair Community College encompasses the acceptance, inclusiveness, engagement, and mutual respect among students, faculty, staff, administrators, and members of the broader community', something had to be done,

all the workmen were told to down tools until the highly offencive sign could be removed, Sinclair's director of public information Adam Murka told Fox News that the college has a 'deep commitment to diversity' and takes it 'quite seriously.' Murka added: 'while it may not have been necessary to suggest work be stopped, we stand by our commitment to providing an environment that is inclusive and non-discriminatory',

heaven knows what she will say when she sees a sign saying 'Manhole Cover Removed' and what ever you do do not tell her there is an Australian rock band who achieved international success in the 1980s, they are the only Australian artist to have a simultaneous No. 1 album and No. 1 single in the United States and have sold over 30 million albums worldwide, their name? Men At Work.

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