Tuesday 1 December 2015

I Collect Stamps,

so I look at various stamp shops and sites,

 I should also say that I have problems spelling words, many even simple words like blue, brown, minuet, all I can spell in two or three different ways all looking correct to me, but there was something that did not look quite right about the above stamp description, any ideas? it is the word renoun, it's a word that would have been familiar to readers of Middle English right after the Norman conquest, but it was replaced by "renown/renowned" about five centuries ago, I thought it might be a reference based on the name of the engraver or a person involved in the provenance of the stamp, but it was not, just a simple typing error which was not picked up, strangely enough I found this not at a stamp shop or site but at The "Blog" of"Unnecessary" Quotation Marks, give it a look for more "unnecessary" quotation marks if you are into grammar.

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