and we were out for our first day in Blighty,
we left Steve and Kai's home,
and made our way past Beckenham Place Park where our UK apartment is,
we walked past St. Georges church,
quick pose from Diana,
then to the Big Breakfast,
for you guessed it,
a big breakfast!
after eating we made our way along the high street passing the George public house,
the cherry blossom was out in Cedars Road,
we finally made our way our shop,
where we had look,
at some of the aquariums,
and goods,
on offer,
as we looked around,
a few customers,
called in to have a look,
we then went outside,
to have a look,
at the outside pool section,
where we sell fish and plants for outdoor pools,
back inside to the main counter,
and after saying our farewells to Lee, Graham and Carl,
we were on our way to Croydon,
where if you look there are some interesting signs and buildings, from years gone by,
in to,
all roll up two for a pound!
and they all looked so nice,
we made our way,
to the Whitgift Centre,
where I tried on a suit.
which sort of fitted,
we were then on our way to buy us a telephone for our trip to the UK,
back to the car looking down the tram line tracks,
and here comes a a tram,
next stop,
Wing Yip,
for a meal and some shopping,
first a meal at the upstairs Vietnamese restaurant,
beef Vietnamese beef stew for Steve,
pork spring rolls for myself,
and more for the girls,
and here all are,
then some more dishes arrived,
and nice they were too,
meal over we made our way back to the car,
then off to COSCO,
for a few more bits and pieces,
one last stop and we were done,
arriving to Steve and Kai's home, I just had to take a few pictures of Steve's aquarium and some of the fish,

a clown loach (Botia macracantha), this one is over 20 years old,
and a red line barb, (Puntius denisonii),
then a real treat, an Eton mess, it was so nice we had to have,
a second helping, so into the kitchen we went,
we had also forgotten to open the bubbly we bought to go with the mess,
so Steve expertly opened and poured it,
then it was time to relax,
then a real treat, an Eton mess, it was so nice we had to have,
a second helping, so into the kitchen we went,
we had also forgotten to open the bubbly we bought to go with the mess,
so Steve expertly opened and poured it,
then it was time to relax,
'Cheers!', we chatted the night away, we
have a busy day tomorrow so for us all it was then time for bed.
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