Wednesday 23 October 2019

If You Are Into Ornithology,

this will be great news to you

or indeed if you are in to printing fine art copies of birds for your wall decoration, Birds of America was printed between 1827 and 1838, and was filled prints created from hand-engraved plates based on Audubon’s original watercolor paintings. In addition to the prints, each bird’s page also includes a recording of the animal’s call, plus extensive written texts from the period of the book’s printing, so if you have been looking for an opportunity to download free high resolution images of 435 bird illustrations, The National Audubon Society has recently made John James Audubon’s seminal Birds of America available to the public in a downloadable digital library (signing up for their email list is a prerequisite), above American Magpie, plate 357, 
 Sharp-tailed Finch, plate 149

 Sooty Tern, plate 235

 Summer, or Wood Duck, plate 206

 Spotted Grouse, plate 176

American Flamingo, plate 431, tis one was a challenge for Audubon, all of the plates are life size, so it was only with a bit of neck twisting that this one appears, Audubon is widely lauded as the individual who brought an awareness and appreciation of birds’ beauty and fragility; the National Audubon Society has been active since 1905,you can explore more of the Society’s current conservation efforts, as well as ways to get involved, on their website, and what a treat for bird watchers or twitchers as they are known, for this wonderful opportunity to download such wonderful illustrations.

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