Thursday, 30 April 2009
When I First Started Our Blog Squirrels Seemed To Be In The News,

Wednesday Night, Out On The Town!
as we used to call dressing up in my youth,
and here we are just opposite the VC hotel,
A Long Time Ago I Posted A Picture Of A Car Down A Hole In The Road,
well luckily only two cars were slightly damaged when this one suddenly appeared in Didsbury, in Manchester, I guess it could be a partial collapse of a forgotten mine shaft, or a burst water main washing the soil away, but looking at some of the other pictures it is not very deep, unlike a collapsed mine shaft and there appears to be no running water indicating a burst water main, in any event more work for the local council!
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
I Keep Mentioning A Series We Both Watch, The Tudors,
his father Henry V11 set up 500 years ago the Yeomen of the Guard, to celebrate this on the 500th anniversary of his death on April 21st, the Queen a few days ago placed a posy at his tomb in the Abbey's Lady Chapel, Henry VII created the Queen's Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard in 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth,
the Yeomen of the Guard are the oldest of the royal bodyguards and the oldest military corps in existence in Britain, there are 73 Yeomen, all of whom are former officers and sergeants of the British Services, the Yeomen of the Guard are not the same as the Yeomen Warders - who are affectionately known as Beefeaters - who guard the Tower of London, although their uniforms are almost identical,
the Yeomen of the Guard can be distinguished by their cross belts, worn from the left shoulder, British and proud of it!
A Small Curry At 388,
It Must Be At Least 50 Years Since I Ate A Buckling,
my mother and myself used to enjoy eating buckling and Arbroath smokies, Dad was not so keen, the problem was that they then became not very popular, our 3 local fishmongers in Croydon where we lived started to stop ordering them and soon, about the early 1960's that was the end of them for us (where my apartment is in Beckenham I cannot think of any local fish mongers just the big stores, TESCO et al) also I remember Golden Jubilees, but had only seen and eaten them in Scotland, they and smokies are both smoked haddocks, bucklings are smoked herrings,

the hotel we stayed in at Auchmithie was on the top of this hill above the harbour,
by a strange twist of fate a few years later on a fishing holiday with Mum and Dad, we stayed at where the Arbroth smokie was "born" a tiny fishing village called Auchmithie, a small fishing village, 3 miles north of Arbroath, it was a long walk down to the harbour and the fishing was not great, but pleasant enough,

we then made our way to Lunan Bay, above, the hotel there had it's own private stretch of the river Lune, we caught more than a few trout there, oh happy days,
but back to the Friendship buckling, it was in oil, but even that did not hide the flavour of all those years ago, with brown bread and butter and a cup of tea, what a perfect way to start the day, a little expensive but next time we are in Friendship a couple of tins will find their way into my basket!
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Monday And A Bit Of Shopping,
There Must Be More To This Story,

How Many More Secrets Are To Be Revealed About UK History?

Monday, 27 April 2009
They Say And The Song Goes, "Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend"

Another Quite Day At 388
The United Kingdom Budget,