I popped up to pick up my bikes insurance,
this is just outside Jack Levy's office in Pattaya Tai, then home and a bite eat, also I caught up on some e-mails, then feet up to watch a movie or three!
first was Mission To Mars, chosen by "Les Cahiers du cinéma" (France) as one of the 10 best pictures of 2000, rightly so in my opinion, a believable attempt at what space travel could be like and explain the sudden outburst of life on earth, just a shame the physics of propulsion were, when going outside the space craft, totally disregarded, they did not make sense,
and then to something completely different, as madcap as only Steve Martin could be in The Man with Two Brains, it is so easy to fall into the trap of believing that John Lillison, England's greatest one-armed poet and the first person ever to be killed in a car crash, in 1894, wrote two of the poems that Dr. Hfuhruhurr, (Steve Martin) refers to in the movie,
In Dillan's Grove,
In Dillan's Grove my love did die,
and now in ground shall ever lie,
none could ever replace her visage,
until your face brought thoughts of kissage.
Pointy Bird,
O pointy birds,
o pointy pointy,
anoint my head,
but alas he was not, another great couple of lines from the movie,
Dr. Hfuuhruhurr: 'The only time we doctors should accept death is when it's caused by our own incompetence.'
Dr. Necessiter: 'Nonsense, if the murder of twelve innocent people can help save one human life, it will have been worth it.'
then a couple of episodes of New Tricks and off to bed.
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