the fossil of a 43-foot, one-ton, crocodile-munching behemoth—found amid the remains of an ancient rain forest—are helping scientists understand what the earth was like when the climate was much warmer, the Titanoboa, is believed to be the biggest snake of all time,
lead author Jason Head of the University of Toronto at Mississauga estimates that equatorial Colombia must have hovered around 90 degrees Fahrenheit on average, about 10 degrees warmer than the region is today,
wait a minuet 10 degrees warmer than today? oh yes I keep forgetting 59 million years ago caveman Ugh lit a fire that put more CO2 into the atmosphere and then earth warmed up! (note to tree huggers I know we weren't around then, but if we were we would have been blamed for warming the world!), for the original paper look here.
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