Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Do Not Mess With Fish 95,
and you thought fish were fun!here is a king sized herring or giant oar fish (Regalecus glesne), to give it it's proper name, Kurt Ove Eriksson, the passer-by who found the fish, said: 'Down at the water, there was something big floating, at first we thought it was a big piece of plastic, but then we saw an eye, I went down to check and saw that it was this extremely strange fish, it is the first such fish found in the Scandinavian country in more than 130 years, marine experts said, 'The last time we saw a King of Herrings in Sweden was in 1879,' said a spokesman at the House of the Sea museum in Lysekil, where the fish is being stored, 'We don't know much about the species but believe it lives in deep waters, at least 3,000ft deep, and many believe it's at the origin of the sea serpent myth or stories of mythological sea creatures like the Loch Ness Monster',
many people living it Thailand have been duped by the above photo, seen in bars and offered for sale, according to the caption, "Queen of Nagas seized by American Army at Mekhong River, Laos Military Base on June 27, 1973 with the length of 7.80 meters." total myth, fact is that it was found on the beach near the Naval Special Warfare Center, Coronado, California, the photo was taken on September 19, 1996, it is the same type of oar fish, still it makes a good story though!
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