Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Today We Waited In For The 3BB Internet Technician To Call,
but by 3.00 in the afternoon I decided to pop back to Carrefore to check if they were going to arrive, luckily the lady that speaks reasonable English was there, then I found out what had happened, it appears we were not after all in the 350 meters free cable zone, we had to pay another 700 baht for some extra cable, that was what the guy kept asking 700 baht for, unfortunately with my poor Thai and his lack of English I did not understand so he will call around tomorrow, at least that freed up the afternoon, so off to the dentist, the one opposite Friendship,Dr. Chanis, to have a crown glued back that had fallen out in the Philippines, whilst I was getting that done Diana walked to the Tuk Com center to buy a new phone battery, then some shopping in Friendship, I forgot to mention that in the morning Owen called in to pick up the cigars I had bought for him in the Philippines, Mick called in later in the afternoon, so it was out with the fishing tackle box as we went through setting up a few rigs, food time! by now it was getting late so down to the soup stall, we for a change knew it was going to be there as I drove past it on the way to Carefore,
Diana waiting for the soup to be bagged,
the number of stalls is still not as high as say a year ago, they just seem to come and go, the soup stall's presence for instance never seems to follow a pattern, we could understand if say it was not there every Monday and Tuesday or whatever, but it does not follow any pattern as far as we can see,
this week another bar-b-q stall appeared,
then off to the market for some fresh fruit, me with the take away soup,
mangoes tonight, Diana bought two of them for after our evening meal,
and some of the first of this seasons lychee, a bit small but very sweet, then it was feet up for an evening of crime and mystery, we watched the final episode of The Brief, the second series, I hope they make some more, not as cut and thrust as New Street Law but enjoyable never the less, then to The Return of Sherlock Holmes, The Six Napoleons, Inspector Lestrade reveals to Holmes that someone has been inexplicably breaking into homes for the senseless purpose of breaking small busts of Napoleon, in this episode there is not the usual animosity between the police and Holmes, also it was nice to see a favorite comedy actor of mine Eric Sykes in it,
followed by, The Sign of Four, A young lady, Miss Mary Morstan, contacts Sherlock Holmes for his help regarding her father, captain Morstan, another story with its past based in India, the young lady is question is played by none other than Jenny Seagrove, who has stared in later life in one of our favorite series, Judge John Deed, in the same episode it was also nice to see John Thaw and then time for bed.
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