but meanwhile keeping cool is the order of the day!
Donna with Risha, Ivan,Gab and Isabel,
Diana with baby Risha one thing out here is that on a day like this everyone helps in,
so when the food is prepared,
in this case a bar-b-q,
it comes as no surprise to see Diana's Mum helping out,
some of Donna's friends,
Espi and Arsy both friends of the family,
'Cheers!' from some of Diana's relatives,
some more school friends,
of course Donna received some graduation gifts from her friends and family,
Donna's proud father and mother Dado and Sandra,
another present to open,
her graduation photos,
and some clothes,
a happy little sis with a very happy niece Daisy
Ces and Joy were also at Diana's house for a celebration,
along with Risha's mother,Rona and Joy,
no family get together would be complete with out a meal at Jollibees, this one is in the SM mall,
every time we go there a different attraction is on display, this time the Hulk,
and a chance to hang on for your life! Dioshane and Donna
again there were these walking rickshaws, I have mentioned them the last time we were here,
they somehow looked scary, especially when they walked towards you, I do not have a clue why, maybe it was just me,
also although difficult to see a static bungee jump,
and a merry go round, which Daisy enjoyed
a very pround Dad,
Donna, Dioshane and Diana,
who were later joined by Sandio all in all Diana said she had a nice time with her family and friends, then it was time for Joe and myself to arrive.
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