was the sight and sound of Concorde going past every afternoon as it prepared to land at Heathrow,
hopefully a Concorde will be in the air once more as a partnership between the British Save Concorde Group, SCG, and a French group Olympus 593 looks at testing the engines of one of the remaining fleet, with the long term view of returning it to the skies,
one long-term ambition is to try and get Concorde airborne to feature in the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics, for me Concorde was so far ahead of its time, it was a shame that events took their toll on the fleet, but if £15 million can be found we might see one flying again.
So does this mean the gang will not get together again at all? Seems like a shame to give up a weekly outing when everyone is sharing the foods. Has food gone up that much in Pattaya?
Dear Anonymous, we will still be seeing all of our friends when they have time to call round or we are invited to see them, as for prices, yes they have gone up in Pattaya but no different than the rest of the world, more importantly a few years ago the exchange rate for the baht to the UK pound was 73, the following year 61, last year 55, the rate today 46, so it is more a case of exchange rates than price increases, the UK pound does not buy as much as it did a few years ago, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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