Saturday, 30 April 2011
Jay And Precil Called Round,
for the early part of the day,
in case you had not noticed there was to be a Royal Wedding today, where else to celebrate it? The Punch and Judy of course!
we were joined for a late breakfast/early lunch by Doc. Jeff, who ordered the small English breakfast,
Diana went for the roast duck wraps,
French onion soup and a beer for me,
Jamie very kindly gave Diana a order of ceremony for the wedding that he had printed, and some complimentary cakes,
we settled down to watch the coverage from the BBC,
the Royal couple,
Jamie hard at work, there was a good crowd here all captivated by the images on the screen,
This Is Another One Of Those Good Luck Stories I Love So Much,
it appears that you can go diamond hunting in the Crater of Diamonds State Park,
which is what Beth Gilbertson, from Colorado did after seeing a program which featured it on the Travel Channel's The Best Places to Find Cash and Treasures which includes a segment on the Crater of Diamonds, well it turned out to be a good idea as she found a 8.66 carat diamond,
She was helping two other visitors, who were new to the park, learn how to search when she found the valuable rock, She said: 'I'd collected four buckets of dirt for me to search and two for the other visitors, the diamond ended up being in one of my buckets, park officials say it is the third largest diamond of the 27,000 diamonds found by park visitors since the Crater of Diamonds became an Arkansas state park in 1972, visitors are allowed to keep whatever they find, what a great way to spend the day, chances are you will find nothing, but you never know how lucky you could be!

Friday, 29 April 2011
I Awoke Without The Headache Today,
which was great,

some of the sandwich selection,

This Has Got The Makings
of one of those 'good luck' stories I like so much,
whilst looking for treasure a chance encounter with a local fisherman led a team of divers to discover what they think is the oldest shipwreck in the Caribbean, after only diving the site - located off the Dominican Republic coast - a handful of times, the team at Deep Blue Marine has unearthed some serious treasure, at the last count Captain Billy Rawson and his crew had uncovered 700 silver coins that could be worth millions, although the team know the name of the vessel it is being kept secret, Deep Blue Marine are contracted by the Dominican Republic to search and uncover treasure from the wreck, they then split the proceeds 50/50, what a way to spend the day, unearthing silver - and gold treasure! well I guess they have had many days of searching and finding nothing as most treasure hunters do, so who knows, this could be the 'Mother Load' for them.

Thursday, 28 April 2011
I Am A Bit Late With The Blog This Morning,
mainly because I woke with a bit of a head ache,
it all started as I popped into the Punch and Judy for a larger and lime at lunch time, the flags and bunting outside getting for the big day on Friday,
then in the afternoon we were off for my late birthday party, Slim Jim, Maureen and Nick,
along with Damon in the baht bus to Preecha,
just coincidentally we went past the Punch and Judy,
along the Sukumvit past the Floating Market,
this was supposed to be a shot of the elephant park, but I pressed the button too early or late, but caught the tricycle though!
we shall be seeing some of these later on,
and some of these!
not many customers but is still early, about 5.00 in the afternoon,
naturally we had to have a picture of the ladies,
then the food arrived,
and there was plenty of it,
some tom-yum-gung,
of course we also had seafood fried rice, prawn doughnuts and steamed prawns along with green mussels,
next course arriving soon,
another sunset in paradise,
garlic fried rock lobster next,
'Cheers!' from me in my birthday shirt,
Mr. Tony was demonstrating a magic trick, but I was too far away to see how it worked out,
next course fish,
I just had to take another shot of the sunset,
and then it was gone!
Mark, Mike and Slim Jim,
Porn and Craig,
we also had some plates of steamed crab, I must admit I cheated a bit, we also ordered some crabs legs that had already been striped of their shells, just eat without all of the fiddling about trying to get to the meat,
then home to 388, everybody had been so kind, my vodka cellar was refilled, I had my birthday shirt on and now another present,
a railway engineers pocket watch from Slim Jim, and before any one says, the diet starts tomorrow!
well we all had a great time, a few more drinks at 388 and our friends made their way home, for us off to bed, 61 years old, strange I do not feel 61 but I am, so there you have it, once again many thanks to everyone helping me into my frail old age, the many presents which are all appreciated, and here's looking forward to my 62nd!
now everything is new and as bright as a button,
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