it appears that there are rather a large number of holes in UK roads,
so some will eventually drive over or I should say into one, which is exactly what Terry Rothery did driving home late one night, well I guess going on the premise that if you fall on the pavement you can sue for damages he decided to ask the council for a modest £42.00 to repair the damage his car sustained to one of it's wheels, well he got a result but not the one expected, he was refused compensation, that was not so much of a surprise as the way the rejection was handled, all 186 pages of it! 'I was absolutely staggered,' Mr Rothery said, 'the council’s lawyers sent me the authority’s entire highway maintenance strategy, I thought that if the county council is responsible for the road, it should pay for the car to be fixed,'
but Essex County Council has refused, to make a successful claim, Terry was told ‘it was must be proved the road was in a dangerous condition’ and even if that was the case, ‘the danger was caused by the council’s failure to maintain the highway’ 'it’s really not worth pursuing it any further,' said Mr Rothery,
Essex County Council declined to comment on the matter, strange really I always thought that in the UK the council's were responsible for maintaining the roads and pavements, it appears not, well at least in Essex.
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