Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Having Washed The Truck Yesterday,
it looked almost new,
now that the water throwing had stopped we had a few things to do,
post a few letters for one, so off on the trusty Kawasaki we went, but first a quick stop at a plant nursery on Thepprisitt, we had passed it many times before but this time we stopped,
as so often the small frontage belied it's size, it stretched back for quiet a distance, in truth there was nothing we wanted so on we went,
to the post office in Soi 5, Diana posing on the bike, if only everything in life was as reliable as this Kawasaki, nearly 60,000 kilometers and not a problem as far as I can remember, I was expecting the post office to be busy, but in fact walked straight in and was served straight away,
as we were at Soi 5 Jomtien where else to have breakfast but the Surf Kitchen?
having tried almost every cafe/restaurant along the length of Jomtien Beach Road this is Diana's favorite, (if you want to see them all hit the 'restaurant' label and keeping hitting the older post button), one nice thing about the restaurant is that they always have a well maintained water feature at the entrance,
this one is just a foot or so across but looks so nice with fresh orchids floating on it,
spaghetti bolognese for Diana, prawn cocktail for myself, with two ice coffees, 289 baht,
next stop the fruit market at the top of Soi 5, there are a few flower stalls there as well,
and of course more than a few selling fresh vegetables,
the skies looked a bit ominous, but the rain held off, two new bars have opened in the distance, just past the Wild West Saloon we went to a few months ago,
the Grand Residence looks completed and ready to move in, handy for the bars!
by now Diana has finished the shopping so time to go,
but first a picture of the new bars past the Wild West,
and here they are looking very nice, neat and clean,
for some reason we seem to have lost some of our sharp serrated knives, so it was along to the kitchen center next to Foodland on Pattaya Central,
and naturally across the road to the garden center, or I should say garden shops, each plot is rented out by a family,
each time we go to a plant nursery there is always one type of flower in season, begonias in flower this time,
we also had a look at the bonsai that were for sale where we bought our last one, the one above about three foot across was 1,300 baht, (£26.45),
this multi trunked one for 1,000 baht (£20.35), not to sure I like the round stone though,
Diana was looking at the bougainvillea and the farapangi,
we both remarked how almost man made the flowers looked, almost if they had been made out of wax, then home feet up for a cup of tea, late in the afternoon Mr. Tony called in for a tea and a chat, as soon as he left Mark swung by, we chatted about stamps and our latest purchases, then it was time for us to get ready,
we were out for our evening meal,
Diana looking as pretty as ever, one of the hibiscus is now missing a flower!
we decided to eat at Cherry's, we had not been there for some time,
Diana was already looking at the desserts and we had not even had a starter yet!
on to the salad bar,
plus a few of the starters,
for the first course,
having said that the size of it looked more like the main course, the food display has been totally changed since our last visit here,
over my shoulder Diana had noticed a new bar-b-q section, so we had to have a look at that,
this section had been added for the Wednesday night International buffet, also the same deal is available on Saturdays, 325 baht for unlimited helpings including the bar-b-q, I hope it is a success for the restaurant as they try so hard, the service here is first class,
Diana's bar-b-q prawns and beef are on there some where,
then who should we bump into? none other than Grieg and his charming girlfriend Noi, also enjoying the food at Cherry's,
then on to the main courses, not including the grill there were about 16 of them to chose from,
I had some of the huge New Zealand green mussels, with some honey glazed duck, then dessert of raspberry mousse with currant and apple pie, 'Cheers!', then home feet up and watch a DVD or two,
first one from the Hammer box Quatermass and the Pit, the color 1967 version, also known as Five Million Years to Earth, it is the same story line as the earlier black and white television series, while digging a new subway line in London, a construction crew discovers first: a skeleton, then what they think is an old World War II German missile, upon closer examination the "missile" appears to be not of this earth,
by now most of our friends know that we spend a lot of our time watching movies, every so often we stumble upon a real gem, that most if not all of our friends have never seen, I am thinking of Rare Birds for one, such a delightful movie to watch time and again, why? I do not have a clue we just both enjoyed it so much, well the good news for us is that we just found albeit slightly better known gem for us Big Fish, I guess it would be confusing for some with it's flash backs featuring werewolves, giants, witches, Siamese twins, bank robbers, hidden cities, sirens to name just a few of the many scenes and characters featured when a dying father talks to his son who is trying to learn more about his dad by piecing together the stories he has gathered over the years, it sounds not to be very promising, but with Tim Burton directing it you know it should be good, strange thing is that we watched another movie he produced yesterday evening, Ed Wood, back to Big Fish, for both of us it was a delight, watch it if you can, then for us off to bed.
Mocha Joe
Totally agree, Stan. Big Fish is a great movie. A joy to watch.
Dear Mocha Joe, glad to know it is not just us that liked it, but it goes to show, I wonder just how many other little gems are out there waiting to be seen? best regards, Stan and Diana.
Totally agree, Stan. Big Fish is a great movie. A joy to watch.
Dear Mocha Joe, glad to know it is not just us that liked it, but it goes to show, I wonder just how many other little gems are out there waiting to be seen? best regards, Stan and Diana.
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