but on the way along Third Road I stopped off,
to have a look at the fish shop,
lots of fish and birds to choose from, but nothing really took my fancy,
they even had an artificial bonsai waterfall and tumbling ball water feature,
a light breakfast, prawn cocktail and ice coffee,
I have always wondered when one of these guys walk past how many chairs can you get on two wheels? well now is my chance to count them,
still looking for ingredients to make some bonsai soil I stopped off at this nursery on the way home,
lots of plants but nothing in the chipped pine bark department,
arriving home my next door neighbour very kindly gave me a early birthday present, a bottle of red wine, which I shall enjoy for my 61st, I watched some of a black and white movie in the afternoon when Mark called by, so we had a chat and a few cups of tea,
then time for my evening meal, I speak to Diana twice every day and all is well with her and her family and spent the early part of this evening at the appropriately named Gossip Cafe chatting to her,
it is at the rear of the Tuc Com Center by the small roundabout,
I elected for the special, if you eat there the waiter will give you the menu, but there has always so far been a special, just ask, for me tonight onion soup with fresh baked bread,
followed by a farmer Vienna schnitzel, with bacon, mushrooms and onions on top, with garlic bread, chips and coleslaw accompaniments,
to round off the meal, chocolate ice cream, all for 199 baht, delicious!
I forgot to mention whilst in the Punch & Judy I read this free booklet,
50 things to do in Thailand, most I had tried, a few to dangerous to think about, but I did like this one, I have always known that Bangkok has another name, it's original one, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon meaning "city of angels" for short, but I did not know that even that is a short version of this, if you really want to impress Thai friends learn and repeat this, the full name for Bangkok, just drop it in to conversation when talking about the capitol, krung-thep-ma-ha-na-khon amon-rat-ta-na-ko-sin ma-hin-thra-yut-ya-ma-ha-di-lok-phop nop-pha-rat rat-cha-tha-ni-buri-rom u-dom-rat-cha-ni-wet-ma-ha-sa-than a-mon phi-man-a-wa-tan-sa-thit sak-ka-that-ti-ya-wit-sa-nu-kam-pra-sit, I kid you not, I copied it from the book,
back to finish off the afternoon's film, The Day the Earth Stood Still, the black & white 1951 version, an alien (Klaatu) with his mighty robot (Gort) land their spacecraft on Cold War-era Earth just after the end of World War II, for me much better than the newer version, but then I find this is so often the case with remakes of classic films,
followed by another black and white Stanley Kubrick masterpiece, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, paranoid Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper of Burpelson Air Force Base, he believing that fluoridation of the American water supply is a Soviet plot to poison the U.S. populace, is able to deploy through a back door mechanism a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union without the knowledge of his superiors, but for me as I have mentioned before Slim Pickens steals the show, who in real life was bareback bronc rider; saddle bronc rider; rodeo clown and bullfighter, that was not of course his real name but as a piece of trivia before becoming an actor, Slim was riding on the rodeo circuit, someone told him that he should take up another line of work because all he would ever get in the rodeo was "Slim Pickin's," his real name was Louis Bert Lindley Jr, then for me off to bed.
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