underneath one of our air conditioners was a huge nest of the creatures, no wonder we had been seeing more of them lately, although it does not look so big it does in fact go to the back of the ledge the AC is on and then up behind it, job for Diana and the set of ladders I bought her for Christmas tomorrow!
next another slushy, this time a banana,
must remember not to drink it so fast this time,
after watching the local television we went to the annual fun fair/market, it did not seem that it was a year since we were here, but it was, as soon as we arrived we were meet with this stall selling waterfalls,
they looked quiet nice lite up as night was falling,
the same as last year, it was wet, which was a shame as a lot of effort had gone into everyone setting up their stalls,
lots of fun for the families with rides,
the sun had set, boating pool in the distance,
well do you think we could really go past all of these clothes stalls with out buying something, (the good news was the belt was included in the price),
a constant drizzle had now set in, making things under foot even worse,
then Diana spotted these,
she really likes them, they have rice I think inside,
the band were just warming up, they were quiet good, but a bit loud,
a night time windmill,
lots of candied sweets,
now I thought this was kind of neat, the tin on the right has a series of holes in it, it is then passed over the pan where the liquid then solidifies,
and forms a lattice type patten in the pan that is then picked up, allowed to cool and then sold,
we made our way back to the bike, past the now working waterfall,
then home, a bite to eat then feet up for History Mysteries, this time we watched two, first City Under The Sea, Nick and Miranda try to recreate the Dunwich that disappeared 700 years ago and map a city now lying beneath the waves, at the time of it's demise it had almost half as many inhabitants as London, it was one of the major ports of its time but the sea twice blocked it's harbour then swallowed the town over the next several hundred years, followed by The Town Of Black Silk, Mildred Hume worked in Courtauld’s Silk Factory in Halstead in the 1950s and the discovery of her Granny’s birth certificate has sparked her interest. She wants to develop her family tree and know how far back her silk connections go, Nick has found the factory records and Mildred’s families’ careers and has been doing a bit more on the family tree, He has found Mildred’s great, great grandmother and has an unexpected twist to the story, Mildred’s great, great grandfather died at 22 from Scarlatina Maligna and his wife remarried, so there is a whole new line to Mildred’s family tree she doesn’t know about, this is a great series, both Diana and myself are captivated by the whole thing well done The Open University and the BBC,
to round off the evening who else but Piorot? tonight Third Girl, Poirot is visited by a distraught girl, Norma Restarick, who fears she may have killed someone but runs away, telling him that he's too old rather than explaining further, by coincidence, Poirot's friend Ariadne Oliver lives in the same apartment block as Norma and her two roommates and recently went to their party, where Norma was distressed when she was offered ice cream, Norma's ex-nanny, Miss Lavinia Seagram, an alcoholic, also lived in the block but was recently found dead, with the verdict being suicide, but was it? then for us off to bed.
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