we were dinning at the Oasis Restaurant,
from right to left, Diana, Dioshane, their mother, older brother Sonny and Papa,
on this side of the table from right to left, Jeff, Sandio, Donna, Daisy and Diana's older sister Diosalyn,
and me at the head of the table,
drinks all round,
Jeff started with a French onion soup,
the same for me followed by mango prawns,
Diana's Papa had a Filipino dish,
older brother Sonny had chicken curry,
whilst Donna and Daisy shared a steak,
'Cheers!' from Donna,
steak also for Dioshane and Mama,
bar-b-q chicken for Sandio,
for Diana rib eye steak,
then it was eyes down tuck in!
steaks for Jeff and myself,
everyone say 'Ah!'
next a small wait for the desserts,
Dioshane and Diana strike the pose,
then the most beautiful birthday cake, yes taking years off me it was my 61st birthday, what a lovely cake,
and presents,
a nice shirt from Diana's family,
then the cake, two pieces for me and I guess most everyone else,
but some one wanted some ice cream!
after the meal we had arranged to meet with Glen, now here is a thing every where we went we kept bumping into this guy, he told us he was in the American military, here for 5 days before being posted, but everywhere we went he was there!
some how Glen took charge of the evening, instructions on how to rock a horse, by now Jeff had already left for the hotel
next a bit of dragon taming,
and having a fantasy,
enough already, for us it was time to head for home,
the next afternoon we were walking past this place when I spotted something completely different,
this three wheeled motor trike with a car engine,
I am not sure what engine it had but it was a straight 4,
with twin carburettors, we had seen it on the move once before, but I did not have time to take a picture,
we had a quick drink to cool off in Cherry's Stampede,
then to the Pony Tails for cocktails, then we continued.
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