form a que for the night safari tram, you are taken round the park in darkness, flash photography is forbidden, you can see the animals as there are lights illuminating them but it is not light enough to take a photo, but the amazing thing is the total lack of fences, even when viewing the lions and tigers it is only a short jump to the road, very impressive,
after the tour around we then went to the arena,
the compare welcome everyone in several languages and explained that this was not an animal show as such, if the animal wanted to perform it would if not it was not made to, so on with the show,
the lights dimmed, except for a dull blue glow on a rock about 15 feet from the ground,
a wolf appeared, look around for a few moments, threw it's head back and howled as only a wolf can, it then turned and disappeared into the night,
a young lady was next to volunteer, this time she had to secretly place a grape in one of her hands, a bandicoot using it's fine sense of smell showed the girl which hand the grape was in,
a civet cat then made it's appearance,
it walked across the stage then exited stage right, it did not want to play,
then panic in the crowd, an animal had escaped! a huge python was found under the seats at the front of the auditorium, but it was a ruse, it was in a box really, just lifted out by the keepers, but funny to watch if you do not have an aversion to snakes,
now this sorts out who your friends really are, this chap from New Zealand was sitting with his friends when they volunteered him,
to appear on the stage with the python,
a troupe of otters then sorted out rubbish into the correct containers, the problem being they preferred playing with the rubbish before depositing it in to the correct container,
we then made our way to the exit to hail a cab home, but as we left this is one of the safari trams we traveled in,
Diana poses on the way out,
for some reason a plane is on display,
and this is where we were,
but the show was not over yet, if you looked carefully the roof of the building has it's own bat colony,
it was now about 10.30 and we were more than a little peckish, but the good news was that I had noticed a group of cafe's on the way out, so we stopped and had a meal,
but first a coke for Diana,
followed by a lasagna,
baked salmon for me,
with a beer,
it was called the JT Pub in Prinsep Street if you want a nice, but not too expensive meal, then for us back to the hotel and off to bed.
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