and you thought fish were fun!
beach goers at Hacienda Beach in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, on Friday did not when this oarfish (Regalecus glesne) was washed ashore, but after things quetened down some locals jumped in to help the fish away from the beach, but it kept drifting back to the sand, the oarfish typically resides in depths of about 3,000 feet below the surface, according to the National Marine Fisheries Service, however, they reportedly come up to the surface of the ocean if they are sick or injured, oarfish can grow to up to 50 feet in length but they are not known to be dangerous, as they don't have any teeth, but they or at least one out here has been part of a huge hoax for many years,

go to many bars and shops in South East Asia and you will see this highly doctored picture offered for sale, according to the caption, "Queen of Nagas seized by American Army at Mekhong River, Laos Military Base on June 27, 1973 with the length of 7.80 meters." total myth, the fact is that it was found on the beach near the Naval Special Warfare Centre, Coronado, California, the photo was taken on September 19, 1996, it is the same type of oar fish, still it makes a good story though!
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