Sunday 31 January 2016

I Decided To Play Trains,

so after much blood sweat and tears,


          I managed to get three tracks and three locomotives running, but after 5 or 10 minutes the controller cut out, which was why I have not done much over the past few years on the layout, the thought of spending £279.95 on a Gaugemaster DCC02 Prodigy Advance2 Starter Package to replace the one I have did not appeal to me, I guess as with most electrical things of this nature it is not repairable, but I may take it back with us the next time we go to the UK to see if that is the case, also much of the fun was in building the layout rather than just watching the trains go round and round, but anyway here is a short video I made of the train’s this afternoon,

  in the evening we were outside for our usual Saturday evening bar-b-q,

  except that for this evening we were having an Indian meal, 

'Cheers!', we spent the evening listening to music, after about 11.30 we made a move inside for a couple from Judge Judy then for us we were off to bed.

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