Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Another Visit To The Tuk Com IT Center,
although it worked for a day the printer went on strike again,of course the good news for Diana was that we went past the doughnut stall again, but having looked at the printer and the now 4 trips backwards and forwards, I decided to retire it and buy a new one, so I gave it one final slap, then out with the money! we were told it would take 1 hour or so to fit the ink reservoirs to it so of we went to get Diana's present wrapped, well I should say off I went, to the Kodak shop opposite Friendship, the aquarium there was looking good as usual,
a fairly quiet Pattaya Tai,
then back to pick up the printer, an Epson Stylus T11 with the ultra bright ink 4,200, with 'normal' ink 3,200, the ultra bright ink is allegedly water proof and does not smear, all set up and ready to go, just put the supplied disc in the computer click yes to every screen that comes up and print away!
these are the bulk reservoirs, much cheaper if like me you do a lot of printing than buying the factory refills, when the ink gets low there is a switch that you press in the machine that tells it that the ink cartridge has been replaced, I have had a warning light that I am low on black so I will see how this works over the next few days, then it was time to catch up on my e-mails,
if you are a regular reader of the blog you may remember that when in Greenwich, South East London, I took a picture of a stone painted elephant in the market there, well thanks to Steve who kindly sent me an e-mail we now know there were 250 of them all in and around London, the brightly coloured elephants, painted by a number of different artists, designers and celebrities, has now been assembled in the grounds of the Royal Hospital in Chelsea before their auction for charity on July 3,
the parade and auction has been organised by the Elephant Family, the conservation charity founded by the Duchess's younger brother, Mark Shand, which is raising money to save the Asian elephant from extinction, many thanks Steve, I wondered at the time what the significance of it was,
in the afternoon I was in nostalgia mode, so the original black and white The Day the Earth Stood Still, much more scary than the newer version,
then Them, ants, big ones, made this another scary movie for its time, tame special effects compared to today, but in the early 1950's really scary, atomic testing developed a mutant strain, a similar story line for Godzilla, by now time for our evening meal, pork chop fried potatoes with onion and bacon with fresh vegetables,
I have seen Lawrence of Arabia many times, a classic, so when I saw this DVD I was not sure how my feelings would be about it, would it do the original justice? well it does and some, the clue is in the title Lawrence After Arabia, yes After, much more political than the original, but if you expect to see stunning colour vistas of sand dunes and the desert you will be disappointed, all of the 'action' takes place indoors, but a gripping film of lies and deceit, I believe it was General Allenby that said of Lawrence, 'that man is riding a whirlwind, God help him' a TV film that I missed when it was released in 1992, then off to bed.
Which duchess's younger brother?
Dear Anonymous, the Duchess is Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, nee Shand, formerly Parker Bowles, born 17 July 1947, for more about her look here,,_Duchess_of_Cornwall
best regards, Stan and Diana.
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