all my bags are packed I'm ready to go, cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again, no wait this is sounding like a John Denver song!
as we made our way to departures I noticed this group of people and a film crew, I guess they are interviewing people who are going to the world cup,
my last beer in the UK, I think Steve is so happy to see me going, I have a habit of if something is not working pushing all the buttons I can find till it does, so Steve has got to reprogramme his television and satellite decoder now that I have gone, the strange thing is that Duncan's satellite system failed when I was there as well,
as usual strolling through the cosmetics to buy Diana some perfume I noticed this, a Austin Healey 3000, but there was some thing strange about it, the ride height was all wrong, look at the space between the tyres and the wheel arch, way to much,
some one had gone to a lot of trouble to source the parts, I can not say I liked the paint job, but it did a good job of stopping people to look at it,
looking inside another give away, no gear shift, so no engine or gearbox, with those missing no wonder it was riding so high,
I had a quick look at Caviar House, but my budget was too limited for a couple of jars,
so I settled for the Seafood Bar,
decisions, decisions, I decided on the smoked salmon,
and a half bottle of wine,
just what I want to buy as I am getting on a plane, a 6 foot high teddy bear!
I can see the attraction, saving over £200.00, but think how much the seat would cost to get it home!

back to earlier days when Harrods delivered on a horse and cart or push carts,
then home at last, on the way out the plane was less than half full, but on the way back it was packed, the airline EVA normally flies 6 days a week, but due to lack of demand 2 flights had been cancelled, so passengers on the Tuesday and Thursday flights had ended up traveling on Wednesday, another thing to ponder EVA are in August cancelling yet another flight, so from 6 fight a week down to 3, I have also to say how at the beginning of the blog in the UK I mentioned how good the food has been, well the last meal on this flight was horrible, but the good news is I am home!
Diana with a few of her presents,
and that is why I went to Daniel's the jewellers, to buy Diana a diamond ring and yes it is genuine,
I also had been buying lots of DVDs,
there were more than few box sets,
plus a few Blu-Rays to go with our new player,
then in the evening off to the Tuk Com center to buy some DVD cases, to save space I just take the discs and wrappers but leave the cases in the UK,
next stop the Gossip Cafe for our evening meal,
Thai food for Diana,
at one stage we were the only customers there,
'Cheers!' I had the farmer schnitzel, covered with mushrooms, onions and bacon, 189 baht,
then a quick stop off at Friendship for a few things, it was the first time we have seen the shrine at night,
to round the evening off Evolution, it all started with a rock from outer space, that, you guessed it, evolved, funny in places with great special effects, then off to bed.
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