but a much more sinister second part of this post, in a case of plant murder most foul, a deadly banned weed killer has deliberately been spread over tons of soil in the village of Cayton, North Yorkshire, the village of Cayton is a regular among Britain in Bloom finalists, but this year, a sinister mystery has left the community's gardeners distraught and may have shattered their hopes of further success this summer,
tests showed the substance was sodium chlorate, a weedkiller banned last year because it is too toxic for use by amateur gardeners, they say the devastating damage will cost up to £20,000 to put right because of the tons of contaminated soil that have to be removed, it is a case of 'who done it!'
Les Hutchinson, chairman of Cayton in Bloom, which last year won Yorkshire in Bloom for the third time, said: 'People have had little hassles with us in the past, obviously someone has got a downer on Bloom and they want to wreak havoc, the police are looking into one or two suspects.' a North Yorkshire Police spokesman said: 'It is very disturbing that someone has gone out of their way to commit such a calculating and malicious act, someone out there knows who is responsible.'
and there was me thinking that country life in a typical UK village was so uneventful! but in all seriousness, it was a rotten thing to do, even worse if a pet or child swallowed some.
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