Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Friday, 18 June 2010
It Is Thursday, Hot And Humid,
so we are going to have a day in the fresh air,
and where better than Charlie's fishing park,
for some reason along with Nick and Maureen we were the only customers today,
Diana waiting for the big one,and me also waiting for the one that will not get away!
I am now 1-0 up with a tilapia in the bag, as Nick looks on,
Ta-Taa is now well again, but her right ear flops over as that was where the operation was,
Diana and Maureen with the menu,
then Nick is in to one - a big one,
a real rod bender,
and the fish has landed!
the downside is that this is one of the fish in the lake that has so many fine bones it is not worth eating,
it was a nice size but back it went, the game was on, 1 - 1 and that was how it stayed for the rest of the day,
my slightly smaller one, but good eating,
then it was back to Nick and Maureen's house, the bananas have now started to crop, just above the crystal clear pool,
also the coconuts are giving fruit, fresh bananas and coconuts all home grown,
fresh coconuts delicious!
Ta - Taa cooling off out of the sun,
Maureen had prepared a chicken casserole for when we returned from fishing, along with cheese and biscuits as dessert, what a lovely day,
then back home for a couple of movies, first another staring Steve Martin, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, a huge cast as it is filmed in black and white the movie takes clips from other films and inserts them as if they are part of the plot, great fun guessing who the stars are, followed by,
Silverado, this western has everything, gunfights, saloons, wagon trains, settlers, barn dance, good verses evil, kidnapping, double dealing, four grudge plots all different but coming together at the end, it even had a stampede! a Doc. Martin then off to bed.
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