the answer is anything up to an ‘eye-catching’ Omni swivel chair, each costing £854, but the good news is that the average spent was only £236 each, yes 224 office chairs cost taxpayers only £53,000, what a bargain! local government minister Grant Shapps (above), said it was ‘yet more evidence of how under Labour the Audit Commission forgot that its job was to protect the public purse’ in another piece of good news, the commission said it had refurbished several offices ‘to reduce our office space and save money, the chairs were an expense as part of a wider saving initiative’, so that's all right then! did I mention that the commission also bought a six-seat ‘Track Bench’ at £1,962? however, the watchdog is to be scrapped in the Government’s cull of quangos, well I will wait and see about that, a quango abolished? more likely renamed!
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