Wednesday 26 September 2018

I Had To Watch This,

more than a few times,

Blue Marble 2, in which physics and timing combine to make this chain reaction act like a pinball machine! It is the work of Kaplamino, who we have featured on the blog before, Kaplamino gives us some insight on how the tricks are done, 

'the trick at 0:23 caused the majority of the fails. It had to be exactly in the right position and it was moving because of the vibrations of the trick above, the air canon with the balloon was a big challenge to make. The rubber band squeezes the balloon around the straw to release the air in a specific direction. Then the hardest part was to find how to stop the air and deliver it when I want. It was too difficult to put something like tape at the end of the straw because it was either too clingy or not enough. The solution was to twist the balloon around the straw and block it in this position with a rope. In this position the air stays in the balloon until it untwists. I explain it because I think what exactly happened it's not easy to get when you see the video', great fun, I am going to watch it again!

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