Saturday 21 December 2019

I Have Never Really Understood Cryptocurrencies,

and I just somehow never quite trusted them,

point in case, in January of 2019, QuadrigaCX announced that its 30-year-old founder and CEO had died about a month earlier, photograph MichaelWunsch/Pixabay, not a problem you would have thought, but some of his bitcoin investors now want his body dug up! The problem is that he had taken the password to at least 180 million Canadian dollars ($137 million) in cryptocurrency to the grave with him,

while roughly 76,000 people were struggling to come to terms with the loss of their cryptocurrency. Some still haven’t been able to do that, as evidenced by their recent request to have Cotten’s body exhumed and his cause of death confirmed, the unusual request made by lawyers representing QuadrigaCX users was most likely inspired both by “questionable circumstances surrounding Mr. Cotten’s death” as well as a series of alleged revelations about the shady practices of QuadrigaCX and its CEO. Apparently, the company failed to ensure adequate safeguard procedures were in place, in case of critical events like the death of its founder, “Activities were largely directed by a single individual, Mr. Cotten, and as a result, typical segregation of duties and basic internal controls did not appear to exist,” EY wrote in a report that also mentioned “substantial funds” funneled out of the company by Cotten without justification, sympathies to all that have lost money, but for myself I will keep my funds in a safe place, under the bed.

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