Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Friday, 28 August 2009
Every One Knows How Colourful The Tropical Reefs Are,
but below are 4 of a set of pictures taken off the UK coast,from the North Sea, off Norfolk in fact, above a Long-Spined Sea Scorpions change colour to disguise themselves so they can ambush their prey,
a smiling Tompot Blenny,
an adult sea slug sits atop a ship wreck, it belongs to a group called Nudibranchs, Latin meaning exposed gills, one of the hall marks for this group is their striking colours, thought to be a defense by proclaiming they are poisonous to eat,
and last but not least, just half the size of your little finger, the Lightbulb Sea Squirt uses its glass-like clusters to filter seawater and extract plankton, I know I said four pictures, but below are five of my own, these are not in the North Sea, they were all taken in the Philippines in the late 80's, above is a sea squirt,
and a Crinoid, a ancient type of sea-lily, all of my pictures were taken using a Nikonos 5 and a set of Sea & Sea close up lenses, but there are no details of what was used in the shots from Norfolk, great fun!
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