Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Breakfast At The Surf Kitchen,
Diana really likes the spaghetti bolognese here, in case you want to find it look out for Soi 6 on Jomtien Beach Road it is almost on the corner,
it is nicely laid out with orchids adding to the laid back dinning area,
ice coffee for Diana and myself, then Diana's spaghetti bolognese and for me a shrimp salad, a vain attempt at trying to slim on my part,
outside more flowers give the place a nice look,
there is also a sushi menu and as I write this a new ice cream bar is being put in place at the front of the dinning area,
even along the street there are nice flowers, a nice touch by the owners,
on the way back at the top of soi 5 and to the right we stopped at the new market and bar complex, Diana had some mince meat in the freezer from Saturday as we bought to much, so a quick stop to by some broccoli and carrots,
the second bar to open in the bar complex, called 'The No Name' bar, not many customers at the moment, but when the new road is finished maybe it will be the place to be,
then home to watch a few DVD's after Diana finishes the cottage pie she is making for us tonight,
first we watched Mars Attacks, a comedy science fiction film, I really was amazed at the number of stars that appeared in this film, Jack Nicholson, Glenn Close, Pierce Brosnan, Danny DeVito, Sarah Jessica Parker, Michael J. Fox, Rod Steiger, Tom Jones, Jim Brown the list goes on, very funny in places, Jack Nicholson as the president especially, a funny film to watch a few times, easy looking, well it has a aquarium in it so I was sold straight away!
then a sobering change of pace, I have never been to America, but the more I looked at pictures of Charles Whitman I could not help thinking that this was the epitimy of the all American boy that every family would be proud of, be it son, brother or son-in-law, but as the tragic events of August 1, 1966 unfolded I could not have made a worse choice, at the Texas Tower with a small arsenal of weapons, in a day that still has no memorial to the fallen, Charlie climbed to the top of the tower, there he fired down on to the streets below, killing fourteen people and injured dozens more in a little over ninety minutes, he also slaughtered his mother and wife,
we needed a bit of light relief after that and who better than the concert party? in It Ain't Half Hot Mum: Series 4, staring Windsor Davies, Don Estelle (what a great singing voice he has), Melvyn Hayes, Michael Bates, Donald Hewlett, Michael Knowles, so funny,
then to one more of our favorites, Hornblower, it is a pity there are not more episodes than there is, so watchable and then to bed.
It has been a long time since you've been to the Italian restaurant next to Foodland that we always used to go to. I can't remember the name. They had good pasta.
Dear Jil, we stopped going to Valentinos because we now cook on Saturdays, you may remember we used to have rolls made by Foodland and we would eat there whilst we waited for them to be made, we bumped into the owner only last week in Friendship, all seems to be going well in the restaurant, but unfortunately the new one on the road from Pattaya to Jomtien failed after only a couple of months, we seldom got to that area of Pattaya now, so we have not been back for some time, best regards, Stan and Diana.
It has been a long time since you've been to the Italian restaurant next to Foodland that we always used to go to. I can't remember the name. They had good pasta.
Dear Jil, we stopped going to Valentinos because we now cook on Saturdays, you may remember we used to have rolls made by Foodland and we would eat there whilst we waited for them to be made, we bumped into the owner only last week in Friendship, all seems to be going well in the restaurant, but unfortunately the new one on the road from Pattaya to Jomtien failed after only a couple of months, we seldom got to that area of Pattaya now, so we have not been back for some time, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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