so it was off to pick up our printer, the black ink was getting a little low so I bought a bottle 630 baht for the best dura colour ink, the technician said as I had bought that he would do the service for free, but now the rub he replaced the ink tubes from the tank, but it still was a problem, hence the delay in finishing the job yesterday, today or yesterday afternoon after we had left he also replaced the 4 ink heads, he showed me the old ones which I recognized and saw that he had in fact put 4 new ones in, so time to pay the bill 800 baht including the new ink, so the new heads, ink tube and all work carried out was just 270 baht, bargain!
instead of buying ink refills I just pour the ink into these reservoirs at the side of the printer, 100cc for 630 baht of black ink compared to 350 baht or so for 5 cc's in a ink refill,
when we returned to 388 John from Jomtien called in for the afternoon so we had a chat about cars, computers and cameras, then Diana made a small chili-con-carne for me as I enjoyed the one on Saturday, well as everyone knows the kitchen for me is a death trap, which I go through but never stop in - just in case - but from not being able to cook at all, Diana is doing really well in the kitchen, at lot to do with this book by Gill Bater,
it sets out in plain language in a step by step way how to prepare for, as it's name suggests Farang food, also it lists all of the ingredients in Thai and English as well as the cooking instructions, so if you have a Thai girlfriend she will know what to look for in Thai, or in Diana's case in English,
then The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, si-fi at it's most outlandish, with a mix of all of the classics thrown in, Doren Grey, Quartermain, Captain Nemo, The Invisible Man and a few more besides, good special effects, shame the same could not be said of the plot! we then watched a couple of episodes of Bottom, then off to bed.

then feet up for a look at a couple of DVDs first The Happening, scary in parts disturbing others, when guys just walk off a high building for no apparent reason is a bit disturbing, but a good si-fi-we killed the world low budget movie if you like that sort of thing,

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Dear Hapi, nice of you to call in, I hope you enjoy our exploits out here, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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